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About Music Therapy 

Empowering Self

Experiencing music with a music therapist or other individuals can help patients experience themselves by identifying their challenges, develop a plan, achieve said plan, and reach enlightenment by accomplishing personal goals. All through the language of self expression.


Chelsea was aware she was stuck in a certain emotional position but did not exactly know how she got there or where to go from that point. Together, Chelsea and her therapist decided to listen to Beethoven’s Seventh Symphony, Second Movement in order to match her emotional state (creating an even more immersive experience with additions such as added volume, added orchestration, counter melodies, etc.). As the session went on, Chelsea grasped different elements from the music with each listen, almost as if she was able to hear and understand the music on a deeper level. In the end, Chelsea was able to find a spiritual solution to this feeling of being stuck. 





Summer, L. (2011). Client Perspectives on the Music in Guided Imagery and

 Music (GIM). Qualitative Inquiries in Music Therapy, 6, 34–42.



Brings Us Together

Music has the ability to bring people from all walks of life together. Whether it be through a fandom or a common interest in a genre, with music we are able to put aside our differences and come together rather than be torn apart.



The Three Steps

Climbers in Rock Wall


Patients reflect on themselves in order to identify the challenges they face in life and how they make them feel. This step is essential in gaining motivation and trust with their therapist as they must first accept themselves.


Once the patient has assessed their challenges, it is time to set goals and face these challenges. This can be seen in a form of creative expression or conversation accompanied by a playlist

Mountain Cliff Hiker


After steps one and two are completed, the patient feels as they are reborn, and have found their full potential.

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